From the, “Never Say Never” files. Go Away, Armchair Directors! was a mini-toon series idea I had in 2013 featuring Michael Mercy and Matt Crandall of YouTube’s Armchair Directors show, as well as a couple more Facebook friends, independent actor Steve Kasan and Scott McCulloch.

The very original story for GAAD was the Armchair Directors ask their friend, ME, to produce a promotional video for them, paid for in advance. But after the Armchair Directors give a poor review to a movie I liked, I declared war. Original promo shot below:

But after a quick thinking session, I decided to have Nairby & Chubb be the offended parties as I felt using myself could end up in my ego going nuts:

And thus came the very first teaser…

The new angle for GAAD then became two young movie fans, Nairby & Chubb, who are big fans of the Armchair Directors, become upset when Crandall and Mercy give a bad review to Feel It Part 2, starring Nairby & Chubb’s favorite actor, Biff DaBone as seen in the above teaser. But that angle would be changed.

The angle for the GAAD series would change again. Scripts for 5 episodes were written and environments were created, as seen in the video below:

More promo shots were made…

Until the series angle was changed yet again. Rather than basing the conflict around a poorly received movie review, Nairby & Chubb would have a run-in with Crandall & Mercy in a movie theater. A script was written and a “Prologue” episode was made…

Unfortunately, due to my hectic work schedule at the time and still very amateur-ish animating skills, I made the decision to put the series aside but still dabble here and there with the characters. Enter a short lived comic strip called, Go Away, Armchair Directors! The Strip



…and a few short toons in a little series called, Go Away, Armchair Directors! Shorts, here…

Go Away, Armchair Directors! Shorts: Its Vision is Based on Movement


Go Away, Armchair Directors! Shorts: That Karate Dude

…and here…

Go Away, Armchair Directors! Shorts: The Turd of the Ocean

…and an unfinished episode where Crandall and Mercy turn into zombies and eat Chubb while Nairby takes pictures, as seen in the screenshots below…

GAAD Shorts zombie toon screenshot #1
GAAD Shorts zombie toon screenshot #2
GAAD Shorts zombie toon screenshot #3

And so that was the story of the, Go Away, Armchair Directors! series. But never say never!