Saturday morning. I was about 6 years old. My brother had used up the last of the milk and I wanted my Froot Loops, dangit!

I looked in the refrigerator and saw a jug of grape juice. Without hesitation, I grabbed the grape juice, poured some into my bowl of Froot Loops and was grossed the F*** out!

I couldn’t understand how two items that tasted good on their own tasted so bad when combined. And so the journey began.

I would try combinations of a lot of different food items. Things like corn & Ragu tacos (Can of corn, jar of pasta sauce, taco shells). Brussels sprouts & potato chip sandwich. And one that I continued to do into my adulthood, taking the mashed potatoes and dessert from a frozen dinner (ANY dessert; brownie, apple crumble, etc.) and mixing them together.

You never know what kind of magical combinations are out there! But I do know that cereal with grape juice isn’t one of them. So I made it a website.